About Us


To serve as a coordinating Coalition for Civil Society Organisations in the elimination of child marriage in Nigeria by 2030.


A strong civil society across Nigeria to foster joint efforts, partnerships with key stakeholders and effective advocacy for the elimination of child marriage at the Local, state and national level in Nigeria.

Our Steering Committee


Kolawole Olatosimi

National Coordinator/ Senior Program Manager | Child & Youth Protection Foundation (CYPF)


Comfort Ikpeme

Centre Coordinator | Girls' Power Initiative (GPI) Calabar Centre


Maryam Abubakar

Deputy Director | Centre for Girls' Education (CDE) Zaria, Kaduna state


Ijeoma Obinna-Onwuka

Programs officer | Women information Network

Who We Are

We advocate for achieving the elimination of child marriage at national, regional and international levels. 

Almost half of the population of Nigeria’s girls are married before their 18th birthday. We are committed to changing that and empowering girls to enjoy their childhood and get an education.

Our Plan

Coalition Members

Our Partner(s)

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